Monday, September 29, 2014

A Congressional Candidate Questionnaire from the Atheist Community of Austin


I have now been certified as an official write-in candidate for The U.S. House of Representatives for District 19 for Texas!

Please continue to pray for Dr. Kent Brantly and all those involved with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.


According to ABC radio news, President Obama has decided not to take action on amnesty for illegal aliens (“immigration reformin Left euphemism) until after the 2014 election. Of course, the reason he decided to wait was because some Democrat Senators up for reelection this year are scared silly that they will lose the election if MORE amnesty is implemented before the election. They think the American voter is TOO STUPID to realize there is no difference whether an illegal act is implemented before or after an election. It is still an illegal act that will do great harm to America!

I received a 2014 voters guide questionnaire recently from the Atheist Community of Austin. Back in Illinois, as a blogger, I would send out my own questionnaire to candidates running for Congress. It was a questionnaire dealing with the major issues of the day in relation to Congress.

This particular questionnaire has eleven questions and asks for one of the following responses for each questionstrongly agree, agree, uncertain, disagree, strongly disagree. I was taught how to write neutral questions for a political questionnaire. No comment on this particular questionnaire although later I will give two examples.

I wrote the following on the questionnaire and I mailed it this morning. The numbering was not done on the questionnaire because of space limitations.

This is such a preposterous questionnaire it is not worth my time to attempt to answer it. You seem not to know or understand our history.

1) The Declaration of Independence references God four timesNatures God, Creator, Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

2) The Constitution specifically makes reference to Jesus.

3) The First Amendment is to keep government out of religious affairs not to keep religion out of government. Show in the Constitution anyseparation of church and State.” It is not in the Constitution.

4) The Ten Commandments are in early buildings throughout the United States.

5) The Bible was the main book used in schools.

You are a small group of people aimed at imposing your religious beliefs upon the majority.”

Our Constitutions provision that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof requires strict government neutrality in matters of religion and forbids government promotion of religion.”

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

It is time for a government lesson for the uninformed. There are, of course, two sections to this Amendment in relation to religion. The first is the Establishment Clause.” During the colonial period, some States had an established church (religion) just as Great Britain had an established church. In Great Britain it was the Church of England. According to, six colonies had the Church of England as its established church. Three additional colonies had the Congregationalist as its established church. The first section of this Amendment does no more than state that Congress could not declare that one specific church (religion) was the established church (religion) of the United States. Thus, Congress could not declare that the Church of England, or the Congregationalist, or the Catholic Church, or the Jewish religion, or any other church or religion was the established church or religion for all the States! That is ALL that it does! It prevents the creation of an established church or religion for the whole of the United States! Period!

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ….”

Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. This is a negative and a negative only. It does not say that Congress must be neutral toward religion. It does not say that Congress can not be positive toward religion! It says (read the words) Congress can not forbid/ban the practice of religious activity or belief. Congress can not say, for example, that a person might be required to do something even though that action violates that persons religious beliefs! Congress can not require a person or business owner to cover abortions/MURDER in insurance policies if such abortions/MURDERS are in violation of that persons religious belief! (By the way, Congress has no authority over the insurance policies of a business anyway but that is another argument for another day. That is, Obamacare is unconstitutional because Congress has no authority in the area of healthcare!)

Licensed pharmacists and health care professionals should not be permitted to deny services based on their religious views.”

This is exactly what theProhibition Clausedoes prohibit! Congress CAN NOT require a person to violate his religious beliefs. Because of his religious beliefs, a person may most certainly refuse to provide a service or product to an individual or to the whole community. A person or a business can not be required to provide abortion pills and/or contraceptives if it violates that persons religious beliefs to do so! Congress can not require a person to bake a wedding cake for a homosexualcouple!” Congress can not require a Muslim to offer pork in a meat/butcher shop! Congress can not require a follower of the Jewish religion to sell non-kosher food. Congress is prohibited from interfering with a persons religious beliefs!

Furthermore, two of the eleven questions deal specifically with education. However, Congress and therefore the federal government has no authority in relation to education. Therefore, those two questions are invalid per se. At least two other questions have nothing to do with the powers of Congress and are therefore also invalid.

In short, theAtheist Community of Austinneeds to either get out of the questionnaire business or write relevant questions for the questionnaire based upon the Constitution of the United States, in my humble opinion.

If not now, when?

If not now, why?

If not us, who?

Primaries in November:

18) Louisiana Primary: November 4, 2014 ~ Congressional Run-Off (if needed): December 6, 2014


Rob Maness | U.S. SenateLouisiana

Primary is November 4 which is election day!





Joni Ernst | U.S. Senate - Iowa


Her website:

Donate directly:


Food Stamps for sale:

A video of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid before he was Senate Majority Leader. According to the screen, this was on September 20, 1993. Bill Clinton was President!

Texas Senator Ted CruzThe Cruz Missile: The Democrats want to destroy the First Amendment! This is over 50 minutes but well worth listening to as Senator Cruz exposes the Democrat Party for who they are.

Texas Senator Ted CruzThe Cruz Missile: “Vote Harry Reid Out!”

Illinois Senator Dick Durbinup for reelection this yearcompares U.S. soldiers to those of Nazi Germany!

Vote Vance in the general election by writing in for Texas Congressional District 19

Donald L. Vance

Contact information:

© Vote Vance
